Discover how you benefit from booking a Drain Squadron CCTV inspection:
We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best service and solutions for all their drain, sewer and plumbing service needs. To enable us to diagnose issues within your pipes quickly and, most importantly, accurately, we offer a CCTV in-line inspection. The benefits of this are:
1. Correct diagnosis – a visual image shows us the exact issue and extent of damage, such as a blocked, cracked or fully collapsed pipe.
2. Able to inspect portions of the pipe that are hard to reach, such as under concrete, without having the disruption and additional cost of digging to locate where the problem is.
3. With the correct diagnosis, we can get started on the correct repair to suit the problem faster.
You’ll also gain peace of mind, as you’re able to see for yourself what’s happening and retain a DVD copy for your records.
To book a CCTV inspection in your London home or to find out more, call and speak with the team at Drain Squadron today.